Steamquench Optimizer® - - -
Issue: There is water coming to the seal instead of steam.
Cause: Most likely the drain venturi nozzle has plugged up for some
reason. It is located in the flange of the drain.
Corrective ation:
Check if there is vapor and condensate coming out of the discharge nozzle of the optimizer.
- If nothing is coming out it means the venture nozzle is plugged. If it is working and discharging, we can leave it as is.
Do not over torque when closing – when no visible discharge is present no further torque is necessary.
- Open the emergency- and start blow-down valve to see if water comes out. If so, it means that the optimizer is flooded. Let it purge completely until steam comes out.
- Plan a scheduled 30 minutes to remove the counter flange and replace or pierce the venturi nozzle.